2.2. Partnerships and affiliations

For Autonom, responsibility towards society, customers, employees and business partners is of paramount importance and therefore we aim to make a major contribution to creating a sustainable business environment, together with our partners with whom we share similar values. Through our affiliation to various organisations and associations, which represent the interests of our members to the political, business and public at large, we have access to the associations’ expertise on national and international best practices, while maintaining close cooperation with all the important players in our field of activity.

At Group level, Autonom is part of the following associations and organisations:
  • Endeavor Romania
  • RBL – Romanian Business Leaders
  • YPO Romania
  • Teach for Romania
  • The Entrepreneurship Academy
  • Bizz Clubs
  • CEO Clubs
  • ARIR – Association for Investor Relations in Romania
  • ASR – Embassy of Sustainability in Romania
  • ASLO – Association of Operational Leasing Companies
  • CCIFER – French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Romania
  • NRCC – Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce
  • AmCham – Romanian American Chamber of Commerce
  • BEROCC – Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan

We also actively seek to make a significant contribution to raising awareness on sustainability issues, encouraging constructive discussions and exploring opportunities with our partners. We are convinced that the future belongs to those who adapt and innovate in this field, and we want to be an example of best practice for companies at the beginning of their journey in defining and implementing their sustainability strategy.

In 2022, we participated in sustainability events organized online and offline as guest speakers on various occasions, such as the Sustainability Embassy, within the framework of the “SustainAbillity School” program, the GovNet conference “ESG 2022 – Non-Financial Sustainability Reporting in Romania”, the “Climate Talks: Mobility” and “Black Sea ClimAccelerator Demo Day”, organised by Impact Hub, the conference “Social Economy, the S in ESG”, organised by KinetoBebe or the conference “The sustainability Challenge’, organised by Marsanu.ro.

We also contributed to the production of the “Climate Scenarios for Romania 2030” report, an initiative of Social Innovation Solutions, launched in December 2022, which includes the conclusions of working sessions that brought together over 160 key representatives from the public, private, and academic systems in the largest foresight exercise on Romania’s future. The full report can be found here.

We also had the opportunity to continue in 2022 to address our sustainability goals, actions and progress in various written and online interviews and to exchange best practices during dedicated events in business clubs such as Bizz Club Maramures, Brasov and Bucharest.

In terms of initiatives, Autonom has joined two corporate sustainability initiatives: the UN Global Compact – the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world and the Commitment to the Environment – developed by eMAG, the Conservation Carpathia Foundation and Green Tech, through which organisations commit to reducing their carbon footprint and taking specific actions to do so. More details on these commitments can be found on page 34 of this report.


Romania CST Index 2022 – Gold Level Recognition
2.2. Partnerships and affiliations

Autonom received the Gold Level Recognition Award for performance on sustainability governance, economic, environmental and social impact, and transparency of reporting in the 2021 Sustainability Report, according to the criteria set by the CST Index 2022, scoring 87 out of 100 points. The study is carried out by The Azores Sustainability & CSR Services and includes a comprehensive analysis in the field of sustainability and corporate responsibility, which involves assessing 78 indicators in 10 categories. Detailed information on the assessment methodology can be found here.

Mobility in New Markets Award
Romania CST Index 2022 – Gold Level Recognition

Autonom received the award for Mobility in New Markets, offered by Profit.ro at the “Profit Stories Gala..Made in Romania” event, in recognition of its vision of business integration, expansion into new markets and spectacular business growth after a challenging period. This event annually awards successful local people and brands that bring value to the economy and society daily, based on criteria that focused on business development, business value, brand awareness, expansion into new markets.

Sustainable Development Award
Mobility in New Markets Award

Autonom was also awarded for Sustainable Development at the Business Days Anniversary Gala. The event annually brings together the business community and celebrates performance in the Romanian business environment. The awards are given to Romanian entrepreneurs and managers who through vision, innovation, creativity, leadership, excellence, transparent communication, hard work and perseverance have created and run impactful businesses that generate inspiration and change, act responsibly and are pioneers.

Participation in the BVB Research project – ESG Scores

The purpose of the ESG Scores section is to present the relevant ESG metrics resulting from ESG analysis reports of BVB listed issuers. The scores resulting from the analyses carried out for 2021 are published on a voluntary basis with the consent of the issuers.

ESG analysis reports are independently produced by Sustainalytics, one of the leading global providers of ESG ratings and analysis, based on a collaboration with the Bucharest Stock Exchange initiated in 2020. Scores are calculated based on publicly available reports and information.

The purpose of including this information is informative and educational.

Scoruri ESG
Autonom Services
Participation in the BVB Research project – ESG Scores

Report date: 9.1.2022

Report Type: Core Framework

Source: https://bvbresearch.ro/ReportDashboard/ESGScores