About the report
Scope of the report
With great confidence and ambition, we have committed ourselves to a sustainability strategy with clear objectives on all three dimensions: business, environment and social, with a concrete action plan that has been implemented step by step, starting in 2021. Operating in a sensitive sector, that of mobility, we are aware of the negative impact generated by the main services we offer, but we want to make known our efforts towards a sustainable development of the business without harming the environment, as well as our contribution in the community to create a long-term positive impact. In the current report you will discover our 2022 initiatives that are driving our efforts towards achieving our stated targets.
The report includes a compilation of the resulting performance using both qualitative and quantitative indicators so that stakeholders can find useful information about our company. Where possible, and where we considered it relevant, we have compared indicators across multiple years, inserting data prior to the 2022 reporting year.
Our commitment to report annually on proposed targets and performance indicators is an important step in our strategy to contribute to a sustainable future, a more responsible society and a more developed community. At the time of reporting, the company reports on a voluntary basis and is not subject to mandatory criteria under Directive 2014/95/EU.
Area of applicability
This is the second Sustainability Report of Autonom Services SA (hereafter referred to as “Autonom” or “the company/organisation”), and we provide the public with detailed information on the activity of our main entity, Autonom Services SA, from the perspective of economic, social and environmental impact, as well as a number of non-financial key performance indicators relevant to our business.
Reporting period
According to internal decisions, Autonom Service SA will report the non-financial performance annually, concentrating the data in a sustainability report released by mid-year following the financial year ended.
The current reporting includes qualitative and quantitative data on Autonom Services performance for the year 2022 (01 January
References and reporting guidelines
The report has been produced following the methodology proposed by the GRI 2021 (Global Reporting Initiative) standards.
The report complies with national legislation (requirements of Directive 2014/95/EU, Order of the Minister of Public Finance 1938/2016 and Order of the Minister of Public Finance 3456/2018) and has been integrated considering the applicable industry standard SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standard Board).
The GRI Index & SASB Index at the end of the report indicate the types of disclosures covered in this report, the pages in the report where interested parties can find information about specific disclosures.
Definition of the reporting framework
The report is based on a double materiality process, carried out at company level. Both the perspective of the positive or negative impact of the company’s activities outside the organisation (inside-out perspective) and the close analysis of external influencing factors that could have an impact on the company’s financial capital (outside-in perspective) were analysed.
The analysis was carried out in three stages:
- Value chain analysis, with updates on relevant industry material themes, risks and opportunities, involving the organisation’s management,
- Consultation with the organisation’s internal and external stakeholders to identify the positive or negative impact of material issues relevant to the organisation, held in February 2023,
- One-to-one interviews conducted with both the organisation’s management and the management of some of the company’s clients. Throughout the interviews, the relevance to the business of the material themes was analysed from the perspective of identifying risks and opportunities in the form of external influences that could affect the business. Four interviews were conducted with management functions within the organisation and two interviews with managers from Autonom’s customers.
This defined the sustainability performance reporting framework.
We have not made any updates to the data reported at 2021 level as no corrections to the data presented in the previous Sustainability Report are necessary.
This report has been internally reviewed and approved by the CEO, as the highest body responsible for the accuracy of sustainability performance data and its applicability and relevance to the organisation. The reported performance is in line with the organisation’s sustainability strategy and action plan to achieve the stated objectives.
Presentation of data in the content of the report
Transparency on economic, social and environmental performance is very important for Autonom. We create both a direct and indirect impact on the economy. We measure progress so that we can achieve our targets. This report has a distinctive structure, concise and structured so that the reader can capture both the qualitative and quantitative elements of our performance. To this end, you will find in the report specific icons of interest that have a special meaning.

External support and assurance
Throughout this process, Autonom has received external support from the denkstatt Romania team, an experienced European consulting company, and progress towards our company’s main long-term goal in the area of carbon emissions has been confirmed by the international consultant Sustainalytics, through the annual verification report available at the following link.
Thank you for joining us!
We thank all those who contributed to this report, the internal Autonom team, the external team of consultants and last, but not least all the stakeholders who accompany us. Their suggestions and active involvement represent for us current and future development elements that will lead to sustainable growth of our business. A list of suggestions we received can be found in chapter 1.6. Stakeholders’ engagement (page 45)
For any details or further information related to the content of this report, we invite you to write to us at the email address dedicated to the sustainability area within Autonom: green@autonom.ro, contact person for questions and clarifications: Magdalena
Autonom Services SA Headquarters, Bucharest
Calea Floreasca no
Autonom Services SA Headquarters, Piatra Neamt
4 Fermelor Street
www.autonom.ro / www.autonom.com