3.1. Supply Chain Management

Through partnerships we promote Autonom values in our social and business interactions, including in the value chain. We have a close relationship with car dealers and together we develop customised services.


Explaining the impact

Material aspect

Economic impact

Social impact

Environmental impact

Supply Chain Management

A good collaboration with our partners allows us to develop together tailor-made services that meet the needs of our customers. And the transparency and accountability with which we manage these partnerships positively influences our company's reputation and therefore benefits our business performance.

Through partnerships we promote Autonom values in our social and business interactions. Close collaboration with our partners allows us to closely monitor our supply chain activities. In this way we can prevent or manage in a timely manner any potential negative impacts on customers, employees and communities.

Implementing Autonom values on ensuring responsibility, including in the supply chain, can have a positive impact on the environment by reducing and eliminating those activities that cause environmental damage. We pay particular attention to partnerships for the safe and environmentally sound disposal of the resulting waste.

Explaining the impact
Managing the impact

As an integrated mobility provider, we play an important role in the value chain and we understand that the impact of our business is not only internal to the organisation, through the way we manage our business, assets, human and financial resources, but also indirectly throughout the value chain. We strive to be a best practice example of long-term sustainable business development and to build partnerships together to ensure a real positive impact in the community.

Last year’s context, marked by delays in the delivery of cars, combined with price indexation and the presence of inflation in several cost categories, has led to increased demand in our operating lease product. As it is a long-term fixed cost contract, it offers predictability as a form of inflation protection and good outsourcing with multiple benefits. In addition, delays in new car deliveries and uncertainties in the market have led to an increase and appreciation of the flexibility of short- and medium-term leasing solutions to meet immediate mobility needs.

Managing the impact
Effectiveness of actions taken

At the end of 2021 we started an innovative project for one of our clients, Corporate Car Sharing, aimed at making the use of the company’s fleet more efficient. It has also recorded satisfactory results, confirming the potential of this service. In 12 months, we registered over 1,400 users in 27 locations and helped companies to optimise their pool car fleet sizing by up to 40%, while optimising car utilisation.

Following the definition and implementation of the Sustainability Strategy 2021, we have become much more attentive to the impact that our partners, in turn, have on society and the environment and we have started to look for national partners for cost optimization and greater transparency, as well as monitoring and traceability of business links. In 2022, we structured and published a Procurement Policy, which considers the assessment of environmental and societal impact criteria. Data for 2022 shows that around 10% of suppliers were also assessed on environmental (5.62%, 31 suppliers) and social (5.76%, 17 suppliers) criteria, up from only 6% in the previous year. No suppliers were identified as having a potentially major negative environmental or social impact.

Also, the list of approved providers in 2022 includes 9 protected facilities, compared to 3 in 2021.

Almost all our suppliers are local (national), except in the automotive area, where we also had intra-EU suppliers. At the level of 2022, the total value of purchases from local suppliers of fixed assets in 2022 amounted to 577 million lei (=auto purchases 355 million lei + equipment leasing 222 million lei), and that allocated to miscellaneous suppliers, 120 million lei. Direct purchases from external suppliers accounted for 13.3 million lei, euro equivalent.

We also pay special attention to partnerships that ensure that the current activity is carried out and that the resulting waste (household, selective collection, tyres, oil, WEEE) is disposed of safely and with attention to the environmental impact. For more details, please refer to the Circular Economy and Waste Management section.

In the value chain scheme presented in the previous chapter, we have identified supporting and primary activities at Autonom level. Optimal management of all these resources, the links between them and the potential risks, translates directly into the success of our business and profit generation.

The company’s business is dependent on the activity of vehicle manufacturers and distributors and purchases vehicles from over 100 vehicle manufacturers and distributors, with a significant portion also coming through the integration of Premium Leasing suppliers, a company acquired in 2022. We aim to maintain a long-term relationship with these manufacturers and distributors that provides certainty on future vehicle purchases and the ability to diversify and ensure a steady flow of car inputs into the operating fleet.